The Smith Family Mission
“To love, respect and support one another, to build an atmosphere of trust and learning, to face life with a sense of humor and enjoy life together to make this family a place we want to come home to and to spread love and happiness to others.”
"Cowboy Boots and Family Roots: Where Our Story Rides On"
The planning committee is currently working hard to plan qn awesome reunion for 2025. They are planning another Fun-filled weekend where family can come together
And love on one another, catch up and fellowship.
Here we will keep you updated on the upcoming
Reunion. We will give you updates, deadlines or anything
You need to know.
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. You can email any committee member or email the committee @
2025 Reunion Committee
Natalie Hicks
Co - Chairman
Sonja Harrison
Jerry Allen Jr.
Danna Pridgett